How to Replace or Correct a UK Citizenship Certificate

If you're a UK citizen and you need to replace a lost or damaged citizenship certificate or correct errors on your existing certificate, don't worry! The process is straightforward, and this article will guide you through it in a user-friendly way.

Replacing a Lost or Damaged Certificate (For Citizens After 30 September 1986)

If you became a UK citizen after 30 September 1986 and need to replace a lost or damaged certificate, follow these steps:

Step 1: Pay the Fee Replacing your certificate costs £250. Be prepared to make this payment as you proceed with your application.

Step 2: Fill in the Form Online Visit the official UK government website for nationality services by clicking on this link: Here, you can fill out the required form online. Rest assured, you can usually keep your original documents while your application is being processed.

Step 3: If You're in Certain Locations If you reside in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or a British overseas territory, you'll need to apply in person or by post. Check with your governor's office to determine the appropriate method for your location. You can find more information here:

Step 4: Report a Stolen Certificate If your certificate has been stolen, it's important to inform the police. You can contact the police through this link:

Correcting Mistakes on a Certificate

If you need to correct errors on your citizenship certificate, here's what you should do:

Step 1: Download the Application Form Download and complete the application for a correction of a registration or naturalization certificate.

Step 2: Send the Form and Original Certificate Mail the completed form along with your original certificate to the following address:

Department 1, UKVI Department 201 The Capital New Hall Place Liverpool L3 9PP

Step 3: Pay the Correction Fee (If Necessary) If the mistake on your certificate was your fault, you'll need to pay a £250 fee. UKVI will notify you if this fee is required.

For Citizens on or Before 30 September 1986

If you became a UK citizen on or before 30 September 1986, you have a different process. You can search the National Archives and order a certified copy for specific certificates:

  • Registration certificates issued between 1 January 1949 and 30 September 1986.
  • Naturalization certificates issued between 1 January 1844 and 30 September 1986.

Please note that you cannot obtain a replacement certificate from UKVI if you became a British citizen before October 1986. In this case, you should contact UKVI for further assistance.

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