Global Talent Visa

Visa Type: Global Talent
Category: Exceptional Talent
Field: Digital Tech
Challenge: Digital tech or Real estate business?
Result/outcome: Granted

The applicant/client is under 30 years old who had previously lived and worked in the UK.
He is a co-founder of the company that provides AI-based real estate solutions to optimise
carbon footprint. Few years ago, he moved to another country to continue development of his
business there. Having established his company’s presence in another country, he decided to
return to the UK to ensure uninterrupted operation of his company as the company’s
headquarters are located in London.
Although the client had active media involvement including being invited to the interviews,
writing articles and speaking at forums and conferences about his company and its core
product which has subsequently received positive media coverage and won number of awards
in his field, it was important that we present the case in a way the Tech Nation is confident in
granting endorsement under Digital Tech Exceptional Talent category.
The key advantage was that his start-up idea was innovative, the client built strong
connections with international organisation and played a direct vital role in company’s
achievement including setting up the right product vision, strategy, raising investments,
product development and leading business management tasks.
Despite the fact that the client had less than 5 years of experience in digital technology, Tech
Nation endorsed him under Exceptional Talent category as he made significant contributions
into digital tech, was featured in well-known media and gained world recognition within his